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KOBIL Email Verification

KOBIL Email Verification

The main task of this execution is to verify the Email of the user.


ProtocolOpenID Connect 1.0
HTTP methodGET
TypeBrowser Flow
EndpointAuthorization Endpoint
Flow SupportedAuthorization code flow
Implicit flow
Hybrid flow
ResponseID Token, Access Token, Refresh Token
Response Modequery, form_post, fragment

How to configure

To access the config of the execution press the Settings button and select Config. The authenticator configuration screen will appear. Then enter your config data.

KOBIL Email Verification


Parameters involved in KOBIL Email Verification execution
IDUnique system UUID, which will be assigned automatically to record in a database.
AliasName for the overall configured configurations which occurs in particular authenticator. (Example: KOBIL Email Verification)
Authentication Flow TypeType of flow for which this authenticator is going to be used. (Example: Login)
Email Verification Code LengthSet the length of the Email Verification code; the default value is 6.
Email Verification TypeChoose the method for email verification, either OTP or link. The default is OTP.
Email Verification Code TTLSpecify the validity period for the verification code using formats like "2d" for days, "2h" for hours, or "2s" for seconds. The default value is 1 hour.
Email OTP Expired MessageSpecify the message to be displayed when the user enters an expired OTP.
Show Email ConfirmationEnable to display the email confirmation view.
Retry Attempt ExceededConfigure the message to be displayed when the retry limit is exceeded. The timer will be displayed along with the message.
ACR ValueSet the ACR value to be added at the end of the flow if the verification succeeds.
AMR ValueSet the AMR value to be added at the end of the flow if the verification succeeds.
JSON ScriptProvide JSON to display inputs in the Headless V2 theme.

Parameter specific to Resend OTP Bruteforce authenticator

OTP Resend Attempt ExceededConfigure the message to be displayed when the OTP Resend is exceeded. The timer will be displayed along with the message.
Reset OTP Bruteforce Failure Count on Successful LoginEnable to reset the OTP Brute Force failure count on successful login; it is disabled by default.
Reset Bruteforce Failure CountIf enabled, the OTP failure count will be reset to 0 after a successful login.
REG Enable Session OTP BruteforceEnable the Session OTP brute force, applicable only for the Registration flow.
REG Max Session OTP ResendSpecify the number of retries a user is allowed during the Registration flow (Example: 10, Default: 5)
REG Wait IncrementSet the wait time (in seconds) for the user if they get locked during the Registration flow (Example: 3600, Default: 5).
Resend Interval DurationEnter the duration for the Resend code interval.

KOBIL Email Verification

User Flow

Execution Flow

This execution contains the following main steps:

  1. KOBIL Email Verification must be preceded by another authenticator since it procures a user from this precedent authenticator. For instance: KOBIL Verify User Identity for user identification.
  2. The OTP / link will be sent to the email, which was already available for the user, once the user enters the valid OTP or clicks the link, then the email will be verified for the User.
KOBIL Email Verification flow